Ekstensi Chrome paling populer, dengan lebih dari 15 juta pengguna! Blokir iklan di seluruh web.
AdBlock for Chrome! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu.
It works automatically: just click "Add to Chrome," then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear!
You can also get AdBlock for Safari or Opera from getadblock.com.
PS: Like it? Please follow AdBlock on G+ at getadblock.com/gplus . Thanks for your support! :)
NEW IN VERSION 2.6: Shows you how many ads have been blocked - watch the total climb like crazy!
- New in version 2.5: Blocks ads in ALL videos and in ALL Flash games across the web!
- New in version 2.4: More than twice as fast, while using less memory per tab!
- New in version 2.3: Adds an optional toolbar button to control AdBlock!
- New in version 2.1: Translated into dozens of languages!
- New in version 2.0: Ads are blocked from downloading, instead of just being removed after the fact!
1. This is AdBlock: the original Chrome extension written from the ground up to be optimized for Chrome. It was inspired by the excellent Firefox "Adblock Plus" project (which is a fork of an old Firefox "Adblock" project -- yes, it's confusing), but it's not related to those, nor to "Adblock Plus For Google Chrome", to which the old "AdThwart" extension was recently renamed.
1. This is AdBlock: the original Chrome extension written from the ground up to be optimized for Chrome. It was inspired by the excellent Firefox "Adblock Plus" project (which is a fork of an old Firefox "Adblock" project -- yes, it's confusing), but it's not related to those, nor to "Adblock Plus For Google Chrome", to which the old "AdThwart" extension was recently renamed.
2. There's a Safari version and an Opera version, too -- visit getadblock.com in those browsers to get it :)
3. The notice you see about having access to your history and website data is automatically generated because AdBlock runs on every tab. Rest assured it doesn't look at your private data!
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