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Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

Chrome Web Store - FlashBlock



Aksesibilitasdari josorek511.106 pengguna
Ekstensi ini berfungsi untuk memblok iklan berupa teks, gambar maupun flash pada sebuah website. Hal ini tentu saja membuat proses loading kita menjadi lebih cepat ketika masuk ke dalam situs tersebut.


FlashBlock for Chrome. Block them all, or be selective with the embedded whitelist manager

Short Description:
The extension automatically blocks flash content on webpages.
Each flash element is being replaced with a placeholder that allows you to load only selected elements on a given page.
You can also manage a whitelist of allowed websites via a configuration panel.

In general, FlashBlock helps with lowering memory usage, reducing cpu cycles,
and can be used as an alternative to AdBlock. 

Privacy and Technical details:
To whom it may concern, FlashBlock holds flash elements from being loaded on the page level, hence requires access to the page's content (aka private data).
It works completely locally, and does not read,use,load or transmit any data, thus guarantees user privacy and safety.
The code is open-sourced and can be reviewed easily.

Bugs reports and Feedbacks:
You can file bug reports or send feedbacks by emailing to josorek@gmail.com


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